Technology In The Classroom
Welcome to my blog! I am so glad you're here. I created this blog to share information about education technology and its many different forms, but most importantly, to highlight the impact of such technology on student's experiences in the education system. Living in a digital age and experiencing learning through a pandemic, technology has impacted our ability to learn in more ways than imaginable. Come along this journey with me to learn more about different education technologies that can be utilized to enhance students' learning in the classroom.

Daly, C. (2020). District 24 adopts new teaching technology in the classroom. LIHerald. Retrieved March 24, 2022, from,122087.
The Debate
As we dive deeper into the digital age, the ongoing debate of whether technology use in the classroom is good or bad contunies to grow. Although there are a vast number of arguments on both sides of this debate, I believe it is the wrong debate to be focusing on in the 21st century. Every day, technology is advancing, people are gaining more access to it, and learning more about it. As the digital age advances, students have access to technology outside of the classroom, where they are gaining skills and knkowledge which they bring back into the education system. The debate should not be whether the use of technology in the classroom is good or bad, but rather how teachers can utilize technology in the classroom in a way that will both enhance students leanring experiences and provide them with skills they can use in their future careers or successes. In a sense, technology in the classroom is inevitable, so it is the job of teachers to educate students on how they can use it to increase their knowledge, make connections, learn valuable skills, and reach their highest level of success.
This TED Talk presented by Scott Widman, a teacher at the Baldwin school of Puerto Rico, provides some beneficial insight on this ongoing debate regarding technology in the classroom.
How Technology Can Support Students
"Students are digital natives. They've grown up with technology; it's woven into their lives." -Top Hat Staff (2021)
Students are introduced to technology in the classroom at younger ages than ever before and it continues all the way through higher education. Types of technology used in the classroom can range anywhere from learning managment systems like Canvas, to virtual classroom tools such as Zoom, and much more. There are many different types of technologies that can be used in education, which means teachers can choose the best ones to support their learning objectives (Top Hat, 2021). Utilizing technology in the classroom can provide many opportunities for students to engage in materials, collaborate with peers, and gain necessary 21st century skills they will use in future careers. In addition, the use of technology also allows teachers to "experiment more in pedagogy and get instant feedback" (Top Hat, 2021). Researching and discovering new technologies to use in the classroom encourages teachers to inhabit ideas of continuous learning. Not only are students increasing their knowledge about how to use technologies, but teachers are as well, so their teaching can be relevant and enhance students' learning. Overall, the use of technology in the classroom can help students and teachers navigate this digital age and increase their future successes.
How to take advantage of Ed Tech in the classroom. Top Hat. (2021, November 17). Retrieved March 8,